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What the hell is a Kimera SideSlip?

The Kimera Sideslip is unlike anything you’ve ever hunted with before.

Like the Chimera of ancient mythology, this revolutionary tip combines the strengths of existing systems to create a spearfishing tip altogether more efficient, dependable, and powerful.

Let’s look at the strengths and drawbacks of the most commonly used tips, and how the new sideslip works in comparison. There are many types of tips, but the majority fall into one of two categories - the flopper or the slip tip. A few years back, I was considering these two options and thought to myself, “There has to be something better.” That’s when I started researching, creating prototypes, and testing to create the Kimera Sideslip.



Known for its simplicity, reliability, durability, and accuracy, the flopper shaft is a good option for targeting a variety of fish. It’s the common choice of new spearos and professionals for everyday spearing. However, the flopper shaft is less than ideal for targeting large or soft-fleshed fish, the prized catches in most regions. The flopper shaft’s weakness lies in its rigidity. Once shot through a fish, the shaft gives the fish something to thrash against. Often then, the fish will tear out and swim away or bend your shaft.

An additional hassle is that that the flopper usually requires some at home “tuning” to ensure that it deploys dependably. This process can seem more art than science. There has to be something better.



The slip tip is the choice for most spearos when targeting blue water fish and some large reef fish because it’s much more reliable than a flopper at holding a fish once it’s been shot. A fish shot with a slip tip is held on a line rather than the shaft, making it much less likely to tear off, and preventing shaft-bending torque.

However, because of its precision-machined connecting point and location at the front of the shaft, the slip tip is unforgivingly delicate. It takes the full force of any impact, contrary to the flopper, where the point of the durable shaft endures the hit. Once you strike a rock, you can kiss that $100 tip goodbye, along with the rest of your dive day. Any location you dive where you can potentially shoot into a hard surface - a reef, cave, or seafloor - means you risk your equipment. For these reasons the slip tip is rarely used for average sized reef fish. Often, spearos using a slip tip are forced to pass on shots at larger fish anywhere near rocks.

In addition to missing out on great fish, since a slip tip sits at the front of the shaft, it’s very difficult to keep the point perfectly “true” to the original axis of the shaft, which affects accuracy. There has to be something better.

So, on the one hand there is simplicity, durability, and accuracy - and on the other, great fish retention. Neither of these commonly used tips offers the benefits of both, leaving the average spearo endlessly switching between the two, taking shots with less than ideal retention, wounding fish, breaking their equipment, and passing on shots they could have taken with a different tip. There has to be something better. Fortunately, now there is.



The Kimera Sideslip's patent pending design capitalizes on a side mounted detaching anchor. Like the flopper shaft, it’s mounted on the side of the shaft and uses the shaft for impact penetration protecting it from damage. However, like the slip tip, it employs a detachable anchor to dependably secure the fish. It's a tip that maximizes the strengths of the other two systems but eliminates their weaknesses. A true Chimera.

The precision-machined pin slots on the side ensure that it holds fast onto the side of the shaft. When it penetrates a fish, the open slot design allows it to move forward, effectively deploying to retain your catch. It’s just as durable as a flopper tip, because it sits along the side rather than the front of the shaft. The Sideslip’s simple deploying mechanism and line give it the holding power of the slip tip. But are there any drawbacks? Unlike the flopper, it uses a slide ring. This means a slight increase in drag comparable to the slip tip that most consider negligible. That's it.

With the Kimera Sideslip, you can dependably take a fish sitting on the reef AND the large fish free swimming. You can shoot a flatfish, as well as a cave dwelling behemoth. This is an entirely new option for spearos. It’s more than better - it’s the best.



Pros: durable, accurate, good for small to average sized fish,

Cons: prone to tear out, shaft can bend, less suitable for large fish

Slip Tip

Pros: great fish retention, good for large free swimming fish

Cons: easily broken, less accurate, not practical around reef, rock, seabed, caves, slide ring drag


Pros: good for any shot, any situation, any fish, durable, accurate, excellent fish retention

Cons: slide ring drag


Let’s breakdown what happens when you shoot your trophy fish laying on the reef:

  • You take your shot, hitting the fish broadside, not a stone shot but something to be proud of.

  • The shaft completely penetrates, exiting the far side of the fish and smashing into the rock behind it.

  • The sideslip deploys unharmed (unlike the slip tip) off the side of the shaft, connected with 600lb back braided spectra and a slide ring.

  • As the fish begins to thrash and swim away, it’s anchored to the shaft, with the sideslip on one side and the line passing through it to the shaft on the other.

  • It cannot bend the shaft, or tear off (unlike the flopper) and after a legendary fight, you successfully obtain your massive prize.

  • You add the fish to your stringer or toss it into your boat, reload your speargun, reset your tip, and continue hunting. You shoot more rocks and more fish… again… and again… and again.

More shots taken, better retention – that’s the beauty of the Kimera Sideslip.

Stop switching tips to accommodate a single species of fish and use the tip that takes everything dependably. No more bent shafts, passed shots, or ruined tips, let this tip revolutionize your hunt.

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